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The technical functions of salt in food processing

Beyond its sensory functions, salt also has very important functional properties in the food industry.


Nutrionix low sodium salts take these functions into account.

It is the mineral and ionic nature of our products, very similar to sea salt, that control these functions. Nutrionix also has in-depth knowledge of the physico-chemical properties and behaviors of minerals and food manufacturing processes.


Some examples of salt functionalities in food and which must be mastered:


Some examples of salt functionalities in food and which must be mastered:

Fonctions tehniques: Services


Salt has a food preservation function known and used for centuries.


This function is important for the food industries, the shelf life and the sanitary quality of products.


Because of its mineral nature and its physicochemical properties, salt has a direct action on the texture of food products.


Some examples:

- In bread, salt brings softness to the crumb, crocance and shiny crust.


- In the dry solid broth it brings volume and grain.


Salt is an activator of fermentation processes in food manufacturing.


As such, it is an active agent in the lacto-fermentation process of cheese products and in the growth of bread-making yeasts.

Fonctions tehniques: Services
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Water activity

Salt is highly hydroscopic and acts on the activity of water (Aw) in food.


This function is important, for example, in cooked hams, bringing volume and texture to the product.


Ionic strength

The ionic character of salt increases the ionic strengths in food solutions.


This property increases viscosity, facilitates and stabilizes emulsions, important properties in the making of sauces for example.


Salt is known to slow down enzyme reactions.


This property is important for the fine control of certain stages of the bread making and cheese manufacturing processes.

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